OpenText Intelligent Capture: Standard Export reporting error “AXEngineDocumentIndexValiationError(409), Scope: DocumentIndex, Action: Update. The text field length exceeds the maximum data length.”

OpenText Intelligent Capture: Standard Export reporting error “AXEngineDocumentIndexValiationError(409), Scope: DocumentIndex, Action: Update. The text field length exceeds the maximum data length.”

In Standard Export, when exportinga task to AppEnhancer through REST connection, the task fails and an error is logged to the ErrorText output iavalue: Failed to execute external API. Error:{"ErrorCode":9999,"Message":"Message ID: 1191726123,Event ID: AXEngineDocumentIndexValiationError(409), Scope: DocumentIndex,Action: Update. The text field length exceeds the maximum data length.","InnerException":null}, URI: http://servernameABC/AppEnhancerReST/api/AXDataSources/MSDynamics/AXDocs/21,Content:

The task cannot export because a mapped value in the batch exceeds the maximum data length defined for the AppEnhancer field

Correct the value exceeding the AppEnhancer field data length and export again.

To identify the Intelligent Capture field and value exceeding the data length:
1. Check CPExport trace logs for more information.
      Trace logs are on the Standard Export server under: C:\ProgramData\EMC\InputAccel\CPEXPORT\Trace
2. Check the Standard Export profile in Designer to see the Intelligent Capture and AppEnhancer field mappings.
3. Check the maximum length of each field in AppEnhancer Admin
4. Check the value of each mapped field/iavalue in Intelligent Capture Administrator