OpenText: How to launch an Intelligent Capture module in setup mode from the command line

OpenText: How to launch an Intelligent Capture module in setup mode from the command line

It some situations, it may be necessary to luanch an Intelligent Capture module in setup mode from the command line.  For example, both Designer and Intelligent Capture Adminstrator are not acessible on the system where you need to run the setup.


A.  For a QuickModuleHost.exe module, run the command line with these parameters:
-modulename:[ModuleName] -login:[username],[password]@[IAServerName] -setup:[ProcessID],[StepName]

Example for ScanPlus:
C:\Program Files (x86)\InputAccel\Client\binnt\x64>quickmodulehost.exe -modulename:Emc.InputAccel.Scan -login:*@localhost -setup:187300,ScanPlus


B.  For an .exe module, run the command line with these parmeters for an .exe module:
-login:[username],[password]@[IAServerName] -setup:[ProcessID],[StepName]

Example for Image Processor:
C:\Users\rdsadmin>cpimgpro.exe -login:*@localhost -setup:187300,ImageProcessor

The Process ID can be found in Administrator under Systems > Processes

The StepName for the process is shown under the “Name” column in Administrator > Systems > 


Check the module properties for the name of the .exe and modulename.