Maximum Request Length Exceeded error received in AppXtender Web Access

Max Request Length Exceeded error received AppXtender Web Access

You will get this error when uploading or scanning in Web Access.

Solution Details
 The Appxtender Web Access default file size allowed is 10 MB. However, this can be changed by editing the setting in the web.config file as follows. This should be done during a time when users are not accessing the system as there is a restart needed at the conclusion of the steps which will temporarily disrupt access:

1. Open the web.config file (default path = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\appxtender\web.config) using Microsoft Notepad or another text editor.
2. Scroll down to the line that begins with:
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600" maxRequestLength="10240"
3. Change the setting for maxRequestLength to something larger than "10240" (10 MB), such as "20480" (20 MB).
4. Save the file changes and close the web.config file.
5. You should now also check the cache size limit setting for the Render Server in Administrator under Server Management - Rendering Server - Cleanup tab. This setting must be larger than the largest possible file to be retrieved or the file cannot be rendered. Under the Cleanup settings, check that the Max Space Used (MB) setting is larger than the size specified for maxRequestLength in the web.config file and increase it if necessary (for example 20 if max request length is 20480).  Typically no changes are needed as the default is 512MB. Save changes if any are made, and you will also need to run Component Registration for Render Server only if changes are made here.
6. Do an IISRESET for the changes in web.config to take effect. To do so, open Administrative Command Prompt, type IISRESET then press enter.

If this does not correct the issue, there is one more potential setting to be adjusted.  Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 and later add a security enhancement named request filtering. The maxAllowedContentLength attribute of request filtering specifies the maximum length of content in a request, in bytes. The default value is 30,000,000, which is approximately 28.61MB. To upload files larger than 28.61MB, you must modify the value of the maxAllowedContentLength attribute as well as doing the steps above. The Microsoft documentation on IIS provides more information about modifying the value of the maxAllowedContentLength attribute.

You only need to change about this limit if you'd like for files over that limit of 28.61 MB to be uploaded.