How to recover deleted documents from an application with the recycle bin enabled.

How to recover deleted documents from an application with the recycle bin enabled.

The recycle bin must be enabled prior to deleting a document. See How to enable the Recycle bin in AppEnhancer

If you need to recover a deleted document, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Recycled documents radio button for the document type, in addition to other search criteria if needed.
  2. If you have multiple results, they will be presented in a familiar query results screen in which you can select the documents and choose the Restore Document option:
  3. If there is only 1 document matching your search criteria, then you will be automatically taken into the matching document.
    Select the Recycled Document Menu and then select the Restore Document option:
  4. You can now search for this document the usual way and find the document that was once deleted.
To enable the recycle bin, See this KBA

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