ApplicationXtender Administrator web application does not include a feature to fix a database collision that was present in the Application Generator in earlier releases. The AE_SEQ table has to be modified directly to fix a database collision.
Symptoms of a Database Collision
1. You get an error adding a new document to one particular application in Web Access or Document Manager, but others are working fine
2. When trying to use Index Image Import, get the message "Attempting to lock Application Xtender application for an update... PLEASE WAIT"
3. Reports management fails to process the report and the following error appears in the log file: "Can not obtain object ID"
To clear a database collision, you need to update the AE_SEQ table. As with any direct database modification, RDS recommends taking a backup of the table as a precaution first. To correct the issue:
1. Find the records for all applications which have been affected by a database collision by running this query:
select appid from ae_seq where appid<0;
2. If you see negative appids in the results of the above query, they have encountered a database collision. You'll need to change the negative value to a positive value to clear collision
update ae_seq set appid=### where appid= -###; -- replace ### with actual appid.
For example, if the issue is occurring in an application whose APPID is 30, run the following to fix:
update ae_seq set appid=30 where appid= -30;
Commit changes if needed in your database
3. For this change to be reflected in Web Access, please run an IISRESET from an Administrative command line